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Learn More about Your Dental Implant Timeline

Dental implants are small titanium posts surgically placed in the jaw to replace tooth roots and provide long-lasting, durable support for a range of restorations, including dental crowns, bridges, and dentures. At Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates, our doctors customize each patient's care to help them achieve and maintain optimal oral health. Your dental implant surgery and related procedures will be individually tailored to best restore your bite and smile. You can learn more about your dental implant timeline during a consultation at our Montgomery practice. Reach out to us to schedule an appointment today. 

Preparing for Your Surgery

During an initial consultation, one of our doctors will evaluate your candidacy for dental implants. We use advanced technology, like a computed tomography (CT) scanner, to plan the best way to place your implant, and to analyze the health of surrounding oral structures. Your dental implant timeline will be individualized based on your oral health, as well as your restorative needs. Because no two patients have the same needs, total treatment time varies on a case-by-case basis.

In order to successfully support an implant, your jaw bone must have adequate bone mass. If you have waited to address missing teeth, you may have experienced some degree of jaw atrophy. In this case, you may first require a bone graft before your implant placement. Bone grafts require about five months to heal before an implant can be placed.

From Placement to Restoration

After you have been approved as a good candidate for dental implants, your surgery will be promptly scheduled at one of our state-of-the-art surgical centers. Traditional implant placement requires at least two surgeries, and subsequent restoration of the implant.

Once your implant has been placed, osseointegration, or fusing of the implant with the surrounding bone, will occur. This step will take approximately four to six months for a traditional implant. After healing is complete, an abutment will be attached to the top of the implant during a subsequent surgery. This abutment will serve as the point of connection for your permanent crown, bridge, or dentures.

Same-day Implants

Some patients may be good candidates for same-day, or immediate-placement implants. This type of implant can be placed and restored in just one appointment, drastically reducing total treatment time. Same-day implants, also called mini implants, have a smaller diameter than traditional implants, can often do not require a preliminary bone graft. Although same-day implants offer a convenient treatment solution, they are not right for everybody. We can help determine which type of implant is best for you during an evaluation at our office. 

Schedule a Consultation Today

Dental implants have significantly improved countless patients' lives. They allow patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence while preserving the integrity of the jaw bone. Their numerous benefits make them well worth the investment. Meanwhile, with proper care, implants can last a lifetime. To learn more about how long your treatment time will take, from your dental implant consultation to a fully restored smile, schedule a consultation with us today. 
I wish to thank publically Dr. Ingalls and his staff for "going the extra mile" and not only providing great dental care but also helping a fellow human being out of compassion and caring. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did for my family member.


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